Monday, November 17, 2008

Baby's day out!

Hello you,

Well, i suppose the title must have given away the general theme of this post, but heres hoping it dint! This is my first attempt at 'penning-down' some of the goings on in the corridors between my ears. This blogging thing has been quite a rage for some time now and through the numerous invitations even coercions to join in, I held sway, often toying with the idea. But here I am, taking my first steps in the big bad world of blogging. And hence the 'baby' analogy!

So what changed....well for one it was a conversation I had today, with a childhood pal of mine with whom i generally indulge in heated discussions on a wide range of issues - often by choice! During the conversation, we figured, that there ought to be more people like us....somewhere out there, willing to widen our perspective. And so this ain't going to be an attempted bid on getting the next Booker.....but more an attempt at sending the message across, to you!

So, hold my hand through these first steps and let me hear from you on what you read - IF you read!!

Signing out,
Joe Jack


E said...

well welcome to the world of blogging! i've been at it since i had sambar in '03. peace!

Nikhil said...

Welcome u said...thought provoking, just dont be someone you are not- JOE JACK!!